Some projects that I've got in mind

Happy new year, folks.

There are a couple of simple projects I'll be working on soon,
aiming at a better organisation of my bits and bytes.

1. Private and backed-up git repositories.

I like the idea of backing up and versioning system configurations
and some personal projects.  I want the repositories to be self-hosted
and private, due to sensitive information (mainly credentials) that
I plan to check in.  Of course the repositories need to be backed
up, since self-hosting means, among other things, that I've got to
do my homework.

2. Keep track of my music library.

I won't spend time explaining why I don't use Spotify: if you're
lurking in the gopherspere, chances are I would preach to the choir.
The idea is simple: text files and classic unix tools will act as
a primitive database system.  Tracks will be cached locally and
downloaded (e.g. from youtube, via yt-dlp(1), or ...) when they're
not locally available.