Marketing is Evil

It's possibly the most prominent source of evil in

It is obviously because of marketing that the common
bloke's web surfing experience is horrible.  I don't
personally experience it that much because of my
paranoid-ish web surfing habits, but I have an idea of
what it is like every time I *actually* want to see a
website in the way it is intended to be seen (and I do
that via Tor Browser).

Today I casually step into the toilet for the most
natural needs, and I notice a detail of the deodorant
bottle.  It is a spray, and the label says


And immediately below, with a different color, brighter
so that you don't spot it unless you focus on it:


Which tells you two things:

1. At least it does not harm the ozone to use it,
2. The content minus the propellant might be toxic
  as hell.

So basically it is about marketing.  Marketing does not
care of you, or the environment, or of anything except
money.  Let alone your privacy, which is less important
then health and Earth.

Conclusion: marketing is from hell.

And yes, I'm very well aware that if it wasn't for
marketing I would probably not have so much fun with
computers, but I would not probably even know what a
computer is, and I would have fun with something else.
Like cooking or being a blacksmith.