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Everybody was hoping it to run. It would be
revolutionary. If it worked, a new era, a multiversal
era, would start.

But, the ship we built exploded on our first test.
We had made all the calculations as instructed by Dr.
Smallstone, but the ship failed to work.

We began to search for answers, our determination was
on fire in front of us. We had lost  hope but one of our
crew members - "Hope" proposed a theory.

She said that 'physics' in another universe works
differently than ours. One of the students also proposed
a theory that due to the huge size of the ship, more
calculations were needed to be done at once, so the
computer got on fire due to thermal overload, and it

The latter was easy to test, so we tested the ship again
with a solid nitrogen cooler on the computer to keep it

On our second try the ship didn't explode, but the
teleportation didn't work. But when we checked inside
the ship, there were some spherical holes beside the
computer, giving us the clue that both people's theory
was right and one of the problems was solved.

There was hope. But we were left with broken physics,
broken ship and  a broken team of physicists.

The maths done by Dr. Smallstone was only valid in his
universe. There was a challenge in front of us which
could change the shape of physics of interstellar

We went through Smallstone's instructions once again and
there we found out that he used time as a wave in the
fabric of the universe caused by fluctuating gravity
instead  of a constant gravity and time being fixed on
the fabric of the universe.

We needed more information about the physics of another
universe to make the calculations easier for the

So we decided to write a letter back to Dr. Smallstone
the same way he wrote to us and send it because
apparently we were able to teleport very small things
(Outcome of the second experiment.) So we sent it.

The question is if that letter reached him or not.

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