DTE 6900-01-12 10:09 UET LOC: Earth Orbit | SOL Subject: To Europe
From: Midori Takagi - ship AI Midori Takagi, ship AI of the Akinia
spaceship,registration number AK-CARGO-246105. Capitan, Hoshi
Miura. I am requesting the Earth QEC to archive this transmission
and other transmissions from us, as a means of preserving our
story. Thanks! -- Beginning of audio transcript -- Midori:"QEC
audio transcription online." Hoshi:"Ahh, space, finally!"
Hoshi:"After working for like 20 years at that spaceship
 company,i finally was able to build a working ship, and even a
 AI! Ok, let's not get off track,here on bord is the newly
 developed Hyperdimensional Travel module.So i am going to test
 it by going in the 3908 system, That's like 100bilion light
 years away!!! So how it works, is by moving the ship, in a
 higher 3 dimensions that are mapped to the normal dimensions
 like in that ancient game Minecraft's netherworld! So i can make
 10000 light years equal to 5cm. Ok, so i am going on Europe for
 some supplies and colony resources.I am going to make a robot
 colony for mining. I need to go now ... bye."
Midori:"Ending QEC audio transcription." -- End of audio
transcript --