I have been baking bread a lot lately. A few loaves a week. I am
struggling to keep it fresh long enough to eat all that I bake,
which is a bummer. I am thinking of buying or building a bread
box, as I hear that can extend the life of an uncut loaf well.
We'll see.

All that said, the point of me writing was not to talk about
that, but to share a quote that I came accross and very much
liked (that very loosely relates to bread):

> “History celebrates the battlefields whereon we meet our
> death, but scorns to speak of the plowed fields whereby we
> thrive. It knows the names of the king’s bastards but cannot
> tell us the origin of wheat. This is the way of human folly.”
> - Jean-Henri Fabre

I really like that quote and just wanted to share it on the off
chance that someone else would like it (and also to have tucked
away for myself in a place I can find it).