# slope & slp
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## slope

I have been a busy bee with software projects lately. My
days are spent with a toddler and during her naps I code. A
little while ago I wrote a shell and after that I decided
that I wanted to try a programming language again. My
previous language, nimf, was a forth-like stack language. In
practice it was not much fun to use, though was a fun puzzle
every now and again.

The new language, slope, is a scheme-like language. I
borrowed a bit of code for the evaluator and rewrote the
lexer and parser. I then built out a decently large standard
library worth of built-ins. The language diverges a good bit
from scheme, and what scheme it does use is R4RS based. It
is dynamically typed and a lot of procedures will just cast
as needed. The types are:

- symbol (var and procedure names)
- number (implemented as float64 under the hood)
- string
- list
- bool
- IOHandle (open file, net connection, string buffer)
- exception

I think I worked in some good and usable abstractions from
golangs lib and the IOHandle type in particular I really
like. It allows you to not really worry about what the thing
is and just know that if you have an IOHandle that it can
be written to and/or read from... regardless of whether it
is a network connection or a file.

Exceptions can be passed like in golang, or cause a runtime
panic (the default). The behavior is switchable via a proc
call, so different parts of the code can behave differently
as needed. Debugging has been difficult as I have not set
things up to provide line numbers or stack traces. This is
an area I would like to improve. At present a line number
is available if there is a lex/parse error, but not for a
runtime error. Once the code it lexed I no longer retain a
reference to line number. As such, I think to gain that I
will need to have the lexer store the line number along with
the token. Since I keep track of the line number while
lexing I should be able to do it, but it is an extra struct
and some modification to the parser. I will hopefully get
around to it soon.

Aside from the debugging, it is really quite usable. A user
on rawtext.club has been using it and has even used it at
their job. The feedback I have gotten from them is that it
is a nice glue language and they have replaced some shell
scripting with it. Totally not the domain I had thought of
while making it, but really happy that it is useful for
someone! I have loved seeing what they make with it and they
have been a big help finding issues as well as giving some
good guidance that has helped me keep the language pretty
small and not get carried away.

## slp

Over the last week I decided I needed to solve the problem
of modules for slope. Since early days it has had a `load`
procedure that could take a filepath and load slope code
from the given file... but that is not a great way to deal
with modules.

So... I decided a package manager would be a good call. I
worked out a system for module formatting/necessary files.
Then I started writing a package manager. I didnt like the
direction it was going and started and stopped a few times.
Eventually I decided to search git repos for small hobby
package managers for languages. After a good bit of
searching I found an abandoned one written in go (the lang
that I was using for development). It was Apache licensed,
so I forked it and made some sweeping changes to the
codebase. I likely would have eventually landed somewhere
similar, but it definitely saved me hours of mucking around.

The package manager, slp, has been expanded into a working
package system. Module versioning is handled through git
tags and the central package repository/registry holds no
code (just a json file with package info). The current way
to get a package added is to fork the package repository and
open a PR after adding a package. It is more complex than I
would like since not everyone is great with git, but may
want to contibute a module. Given this is a small hobby
project for a language with not enough new features to make
it appealing to many people I do not expect many people to
try to add packages anyway. Right now there are four; two
by me and two by the aforementioned rtc user . The four are:
csv (parsing and writing), ansi (terminal colors and cursor
movement), dlgs (bindings to allow for gui system dialogs on
linux systems), and toolbox (list, date, math, misc good

slp can:

- install
- remove
- update
- list all packages
- search packages
- show installed packages
- show details about a package
- generate a module skeleton (dir + required files)
- open docs for a given module

Not bad for a funtime project :-D

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If you feel like using a slightly cumbersome language that
will feel like a weird version of scheme without a bunch
of scheme features... give it a shot! We'd love to have you.

The examples folder in the slope repo includes a basic
gopher client (the first project for any language I work

All code for the whole project can be found here:


If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I'm definitely
not trying to push my project on people. I am just excited
about it and having a lot of fun, so hopefully this kind of
writeup is taken in that spirit. :) I'll try to write about
some other stuff soon... though honestly my life is pretty
simple these days: toddler, cooking, fun coding, and
reading. For reading I am going to finish my book after I
finish writing this. The current book is The Dark Forest,
the second book in the Remembrance of Earth's Past series
(after "The Three Body Problem"). I had resisted reading
these books, but was convinced by a friend to give them a
try and I am glad I did. I have found them to be really
enjoyable so far. They remind me in many ways of Arthur C.
Clarke's work... though maybe more modernized in their style
and a bit less hopeful that Clarke's best stuff? Either way:
there is a good mix of hard sci-fi and more fantastical
stuff in them. Also some cool history stuff.

Have a good night gopherspace. I dont write much to you, or
to gemini for that matter, these days... but I am here and
I read your writings each day!