Well, once again it has been quite awhile. The last time I
wrote something here, in September, it was about Bombadillo.
I am still around and still reading y'alls words on gopher
and gemini. Really, I dont do much general web browsing at
all anymore... so gopher, gemini, and pubnixes are my
primary internet activity. I do use the web, but only for
short pointed activities (look something up, buy something).
I'm glad that many of you out there are still writing. It
helps to read about what others are going through, as well
as have the fun distraction of other people's interests and
obsessions (as is often the case where technical people

I have found this whole year a difficult time to focus. As
such, I have not been doing very much writing of my own. I
have barely managed to keep working on the various software
projects I started. It isnt a lack of available time... I
just feel scattered, and it is difficult to record coherent
thoughts on much. My family did manage to buy a small and
slightly falling apart house up in the mountains. So with
any luck I will find some space to clear my head and some
tasks to exercize and occupy my body (something I sorely
need after all this time inside). I managed to do some
yoga thir morning with my wife. It left me wondering why I
can't seem to make time for it more often. It felt really
good and I feel better in general having done it. Maybe
that can be a goal for the new house: more yoga and qi gong
for me. For my family really, I think I am a better person
to be around when I have a good practice going.

One thing I have managed to do lately is write down lots
of the recipes for the foods I cook at home a lot. My family
is vegan and my daughter is alergic to soy, so most of them
have no soy and none of them have animal ingredients. Given
the dietary restrictions we tend to eat a lot of Indian-ish
food, since a lot of Indian recipes suit that dietary style.
Anyway, if you are looking for some good food to try out, or
just like reading what people are cooking, check out:


Right now I have some recipes up, and I plan to add a phlog
talking about food and cooking (two things I love). I may
also add tags to the posts and have tag pages so that like
items can be found together. We'll see how much energy I
manage to find. Until then, there is good food. I just heard
my instapot beep, so I need to go mash some eggplant and
finish up a few other dishes so that my family has food for
the work week. Until next time, be well gopherspace...