Life is a blur these days. I dont have much memory for what has occured
recently beyond feeding the baby. I went back to work in mid June. My
boss asked me today how things had been going over our last sprint (two
week period of work)... I said it was all a blur and that I could not
remember much that had happened. He assured me I had been getting a
good amount of work done (more than many others, to his surprise), so
that is good.

In the first few weeks after Orion was born I was very ashamed of the
fact that I just didn't feel some mystical connection to my new daugh-
ter. I was mostly just tired. I cared about her well being very much,
but outside of health and safety just wanted sleep. Things have come
a long way and I look forward to seeing her when I get home every day.
We get a lot of good time together that I very much love, in addition
to my love for her of course.

She is sleeping a bit better (four, and sometimes even five, hours),
and is in general a very mellow baby... but man does she hate pooping.

- - -

Since I had been keeping up with work well and was not getting much
personal time at home to work on projects. SO I started a side project
in my downtime at work. As of today it is almost useable.

The project was inspired by Interval[0], a cool project I found over
on tildegit from a tildetown member. I have never directly been a
part of a tilde server (beyond tildegit), but I have always heard
good things and it was cool to find this random project.

The idea of writing a small domain specific language that did somet-
hing creative appealed to me. I thought maybe I'd try to code the
same thing but in golang. After perusing the WAV file spec I decid-
ed against it. With how tired I have been I didnt think I could
handle it right now. As such, the idea of image manipulation came
up. I had recently written an image dithering program (lid[1]), so
felt comfortable with the concept. I had written lid in python and
it runs pretty slowly all in all.

I wrote a lexer/parser for my own little language (more or less sim-
ilar to assembly language... though not by intention, it just went
that way. Well, assembly combined with the syntax of Interval). Once
the parser was done I went to learning how to work with images in
golang. It was not as clear as I had hoped it would be, but I managed
to get through it.

Filtress (the name of the program) takes an input image as well as
a ".frs" file with the filter the user has written. It renders the
new image sooooooo fast. It is pretty cool.

I had gotten loops working, but in a weird way that wouldn't nest.
I reworked the parser a little bit today and got nested loops
working, added an extra register, and reworked some other things.

It is not done yet or perfect, but it can do some cool things.

- - -

- I have been enjoying the music of Lusine[2] lately.
- I have been reading pop-fiction (various works of Stephen King)
- I have been eating delicious vegan food when possible, so-so
 junk vegan food at home when not.
- I have not been on gopher or the various nix servers I am
 a member of as much as I would like.
- I am really really looking forward to working on more Gemini
 protocol stuff, but am glad that thigns are moving slow. I
 very much think slow is good and right if something good and
 correct is going to come of it.
