Pico-8 and Server Updates
2018-12-20 9:22pm

Have any of you played with Pico-8 at all?  For those that do not
know,  Pico-8 is a "virtual video game console".  Games are coded
in Lua within the application.  Sprite and  music creation  tools
are included with the software as well.  Sadly, it is not an open
source project.  So while the games themselves can be open source
they are created in a  closed  source  environment.  Despite that
flaw, I have enjoyed it as a platform for the past year or two.

People have made some awesome and amazing  games for it.  Some of
them push the capbilities of the system (which are kept intentio-
nally low),  others are  wildly creative.  I cannot  say  that my
games  fall into either  of those camps,  but I have had a lot of
fun making them! I have completed around six:

Isola - A port of the board game Isolation

Super Battle Arena Tank Fighter Plus - A vector tank game

The Lost Gems - Adventure Time themed technical platformer

Proxima-B - Space shooter with three levels and two bosses

Alley Cat - Arcade platformer created in 6 hours for a game jam

Crazy Climber - Donkey Kong-esque arcade game

The games can be exported as binaries or js,  but the really cool
distribution method is via gif files! All of the game data can be
exported as a gif file that looks like a game cartridge,  but can
be laoded into the Pico-8 application (the binary and js versions
do not need the Pico-8 application to run).

If any  of you have  made games and want  to share carts,  let me
know. I can post them to my gopherspace for download.

I have not worked on one for a spell now,  but every now and then
it is a  fun project.  I have had a lot of fun plugging in a SNES
controller and playing The Lost Gems with friends.

- - - - -

I have made a number of cool  upgrades to the  software  over  at
chalk,  the line based text editor,  now has the ability to truly
edit a line.  Previously  to go back  and edit  a line  that  was
already written a user would be presented with the old text above
a prompt that was blank  and you'd have to retype the whole line,
even if you only needed to change a simple spelling mistake.  Now
I got the  line buffering  working better and you can go back and
edit  a  row by putting its contents into the buffer  and editing

cspc,  the  message  baord,  now lets you know which topics/posts
have been added since the last time you launched the application.

gab, one of the two interfaces to the chat, has been rewritten to
provide a much improved  output style.  The command 'gab' with no
other arguments now does the same thing as 'gab -l'  (outputs the
last 5 messages to the screen).  You can  still use 'gab -l'  and
pass an integer to get more or  fewer  messages.  The  help  also
prints properly now.

Thanks so much to tfurrows and cmccabe for all their help testing
everything and  playing around on the system.  It has been a huge

- - - - -

Man, I am tired.  It has been a long week.  I'm glad it is almost
the weekend! The holiday promises to be really busy:  four family
parties in two days (two per day...my family on christmas eve and
my wife's on christmas day). Lots of driving.  It will be ncie to
see everyone though!

I imagine  I will write another phlog entry by then,  but if not:
happy holidays (whichever, if any, you celebrate)!