| Community, Python, Editors              |
|                                                 |    .   .
| Date: 20181120-20:20                            |     \ /
| Author: Sloum                                   |  ,___o___,
| Soundtrack: Tiny Foldable Cities by Orbital     |     |_|
|                                                 |    _/ \_

The long weekend has begun! I have spent the evening cooking soup to take
to my family thanksgiving gathering tomorrow. It smells delicious. My wife
is dozing with the cat on the couch and I am left with some relaxation time.

I read through the days phlog updates at the zaibatsu and was surprised to
see that tfurrows[0] responded to some of my recent ramblings! I was both
congratulated re: my future child, as well as given some wonderful insight
into how The Red Consensus[1] was created. I wonder how Commodore Basic
prevents the drop to the system shell? I do not seem, so far, to be able
to replicate that.

I played around with some code at the day job today trying to run a REPL
in python that would then subprocess out various scripts or functions. It
worked pretty well, until I had it start a subprocess for a game I build
using NCurses. If I do a keybaord interrupt from the subprocess all hell
breaks loose. I do NOT drop back to the parent process, and the terminal
running everything is majorly screwy. I'll have to do some more digging,
or at least disable SIGINT from terminating the process/subprocess? That
feels sloppy though. I am definitely looking forward to finding a good
solve to this problem.

Before that Python tangent I had meant to lead into another round of
saying how happy I am to have stumbled upon this community. Every day I
look forward to seeing what you all have written. Everyone has been so
nice, and all of the cool projects, prose, etc have been great to read
about. I'm looking forward to trying out EdimCoder[2] by krixano[3]. I
have not used a line mode editor before (other than ed for at most five

Speaking of editors, I have been using Spacemacs[4] as my main editor for
a few months now and have really been liking it! For any that have not
checked it out, it is a highly customized Emacs setup that provides good
theming out of the box, Vim keybindings, and lots of other goodies. It uses
SPC as its leader key, which brings up a nice bar of mnemonic based command
options. All in all a cool editor.

Krixano also posted some about ZeroNet. I have had this come up a number of
times from a few different people. I admit that at first it seemed very much
like Beaker[5] browser to me... But upon looking into it again, it seems
that you can use any browser you like with it, which is pretty cool. My two
issues with beaker were that it used Electron/Blink/WebKit, and that it was
mostly just useful for file transfer since sites just werent seeded enough
to stay up consistently. The first issue is solved by ZeroNet, the second
one may be trickier and something just inherent in the technology. I very
much love seeing projects like these and hope they continue to find firm
footing. I dont think we are quite there with the decentralized internet,
but great strides are being taken and it is a really cool time period for
this kind of tech. I'll definitely keep my eye on ZeroNet.


[0] gopher://circumlunar.space:70/0/~tfurrows/phlog/adg_reply.txt
[1] gopher://consensus.circumlunar.space:70/
[2] https://github.com/krixano/Edim
[3] gopher://circumlunar.space:70/1/~krixano/
[4] http://spacemacs.org/
[5] https://beakerbrowser.com/