Ian Davis Photography

About Ian Davis,


Usually, I like to look at things differently.
Not in a shocking sense, just differently.
The art I like best, be it music, painting or photography,
should give me a sense of joy or wonder.
I like my photography viewed and experienced the same way.

About Me

Inspired by my grandfather, I started on film years ago.
Nowadays, I shoot with a mirrorless camera with various
prime and zoom lenses. While my imagery interests are
fairly wide, if I had to more accurately define my
photographic interests, Id have to say that it would
involve some form of 'scape'. But this is evolving.

Im from St. Catharines although I spent time in
Northwestern Ontario and Labrador.
For the past 35 years, Ive called Campbellford home.

Ian Davis Photography https://iandavis.photography