Use Denote notes like Deft with consult-notes

As I have written before, Denote is a wonderful tool
to take linked notes in Emacs.

consult-notes describes itself as a package for easily
selecting notes via consult. It integrates with note
systems like zk, denote, or org-roam.

consult-notes has a minor mode, called

This minor mode does three things:
* It adds your denote-directory to its configuration
* It adjusts the display of denote files in consult
* Sets the default function when there is no match to
 create a Denote note

When using Denote without several siloed directories,
the configuration is quite simple.

  (use-package consult-notes

How it works
After adding the preceding three lines to your Emacs
configuration, searching for Denote notes is simple.

Just issue the command:

   M-x consult-notes

Consult-notes prompts for some text to search, and
performs an incremental search: each extra character
you type narrows the search result.

This way, Denote starts to work like Deft for Emacs.
Here too, typing a search argument incrementally
narrows the list of notes.

The third feature of the minor mode mentioned in the
list above, creating a Denote note when there is no
search match, mimics how Deft for Emacs works.

Global key binding
Some time ago, I migrated my Deft notes to Denote.
A single key binding completes the migration:

   (global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") #'consult-notes)

This key binding is what I used to start Deft.

Last edited: $Date: 2023/11/18 19:53:15 $