Second ssh server on each host

Last edited: $Date: 2019/07/10 18:17:07 $

Not all  my boxes are  migrated to  OpenBSD, some are  still running

After an upgrade  of Debian Stretch to Debian Buster  borked the ssh
server on that box, which locked  me out of the machine, an collegue
adviced me,  to run  two different  ssh servers  on each  box, f,e.,
openssh and dropbear.

This way, if one of the ssh servers stops functioning, you can still
use the other to log on to your system.

He  is a  seasoned Linux  admin, and  he told  me he  does run  two
different ssh servers on all his boxes,

So, we could consider this as some kind of best practice.

To me,  it seems  like a good  idea, and  I will do  that on  all my
Debian boxes from now on.

$Id: redundant_ssh_server.txt,v 1.4 2019/07/10 18:17:07 matto Exp $