Org mode for phlog posts

screwtape discovered that in Elpher you can manually switch to
org mode by using "M-x org-mode".

This was followed by some discussion on ActivityPub about org
mode and Gopher, and screwtape announced his intention to start
writing new phlog posts in org mode.

See also his wonderful post:

Already using org mode for Gopher posts
I was already using org mode for Gopher posts, but I do not
post them in the org format.

Some time ago I wrote a elisp script that creates the Gopher
post from the org mode file.

* Remove stars before headers and underline headers
 (== for 1st level, -- for 2nd level, and .. for 3rd level)
* Replace dashes with stars for bullets
 (in Gopher posts I like stars more than dashes)

The same elisp script also compiles the gophermap.

I wrote this elisp script as a part of 'training' in writing
Lisp and elisp, so it is not the most beautiful code, but
it gets the job done [tm].

RSS still to do
The RSS feed of my Gopherhole is still created by a shell
script, I have not migrated that to elisp yet.

When this is done, then the whole process from creating a post
in Gopher format, compiling the gophermap and compiling the
RSS feed is done by a single elisp script. The next step,
uploading the new content, could also be made a part of it.

When that is done, I have an automated Gopher post workflow :)

How I write my Gopher posts
I switched to denote for my notes.

Which coincidentally made it easier to fetch the date of the
post. Before that, I used the date generated by RCS for it.

In Emacs, I start denote with "M-x denote", type the title of
the post and add the tag "gopher". Then I write my
text. Sometimes during the writing, it turns out that the
title must change. For those cases, denote can read the title
from the front matter and change the filename accordingly.

When all is done, I run my elisp script "denote-to-gopher",
which creates the file with the text in the format of my
Gopher posts, and compiles the gophermap.

All I have to do is commit the file to RCS. This will allow
for future edits, and it also makes sure the date at the
bottom is indeed the date of the last edit.  I run my
shell-script to create the RSS-feed and scp the new content to
the BeagleBone Black that runs the Gopher server.

Last edited: $Date: 2023/09/24 07:51:56 $