One week with FreeBSD 13 on an Acer Aspire One ZG5 - Part Three

 Last edited: $Date: 2021/07/12 19:45:26 $

 Another day in the The Old Computer Challenge.

 Firefox  requires  way  too much resources for this old laptop
 which also means that I have to find another way to go through
 the Mastodon postings.

 Yesterday evening I first tried bitlbee.

 In  order  to  use bitlbee with Mastodon, you have to get some
 tokens into the bitlbee config. The way to  this  is  to  open
 your  Mastodon  account  from  within bitlbee, which will open
 another window in irssi, where a very long  generated  URL  is
 shown.  You have to copy this URL, paste in a browser, confirm
 that you want bitlbee to have access to your Mastodon account,
 wait  for  the reply, which is a long token that is shown in a
 smaller window. You have  than  to  copy  this  token-that-is-
 longer-than-the-window back to the bitlbee window in irssi.

 And  you  only have a few seconds for this, because after this
 the bitlbee connection times out and you  have  to  start  all
 over again.

 After  numerous  tries I gave up, the time window is too small
 to get this right.

 Next I installed 'toot', a text mode application  to  interact
 with Mastodon, written in Python.

 After  installing Python 3.8 and pip I could install toot.  To
 get toot authenticate on Mastodon you  have  to  do  the  same
 token-dance, but this time there seems to be no time-out.

 So,  in  a  ever  so  relaxed  tempo  I  was  able to get toot
 cooperating with the Mastodon instance.

                  Going through your time line

 With `toot tui` an curses-like interface opens,  which  splits
 the  screen  vertically.  Left  is  a list of toots, which are
 shown in the format:

 - date and time
 - sender identity
 - boosts (if any) and some other icon like thingy

 Right is the contents of the toot, in text format of course.

 With some keys you can (B) Boost the toot,  (F)  Favorite  it,
 (V)  View  or  (R)  Reply on it, and some other options.  This
 works remarkably well.

 The main difference with the view in a browser like Firefox or
 a  desktop  application  like  Whalebird, is that there are of
 course no images.

 This results in a completely different experience.   Like  any
 new and different experience you have to give it some time, so
 I postpone judgment and just use it [TM].

 Have fun !