Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Three

Guile Scheme

Today I wanted to do a little more work.
I entered the challenge with the plan to spend some time on

In the last year I have done some things in SBCL Common Lisp
as well as some things in Elisp, so expanding this with Scheme
seems worthwhile. This morning started with a readable
display, so I jumped right in.

On the command line I started "guile3.0 --listen"" and in Emacs
I ran ""M-x connect-to-guile"", to get a nice REPL.

It turns out that this is too much for this laptop :) Even
after the start of guile and setting up the connection from
Emacs, htop shows full CPU usage. The load keeps fluctuating
between 0.5 and 0.9.

The effect is that the system becomes unworkable. Just
editing a line in a scm-file takes ages.

So, playing with Guile Scheme has to wait to after the
challenge :)


I started reading some phlogs on Gopher, but this didn't stop
at "just some phlogs".

Old computers and Gopher go very well together :)


Like most days, I went through my RSS-feeds. Some links
linked to web pages that can only be viewed with a
Javascript enabled browser. My old R31 doesn't run
such a web browser.

Normally, as in "before the Challenge", I would open a link in
eww, the browser that is part of Emacs.
When a Javascript enabled browser is needed, and I expect the
linked content to be interesting enough I would hit "&"
(shift-7), and Emacs would automagicly open the specific link
in Firefox.

Now, the only option to view pages outside eww is "links -g",
which is good to see pictures, but won't help much on the
Javascript part.

This means that during the Challenge, links to content that
requires Javascript are a no-go.

I haven't felt this to be a real problem.


The #oldcomputerchallenge IRC channel on LiberaChat has
become quite popular.

I must confess, that several times per day I have a hard
time keeping up with the flow of messages on the channel.

Getting old, and all that, of course.

Last edited: $Date: 2023/07/12 19:43:11 $