Lynx without cookies

Last edited: $Date: 2018/08/10 16:07:07 $

After moving from  newsbeuter on Linux to newsboat on  OpenBSD I ran
into lynx asking about cookies everytime I opened a item in Lynx.

I decided to kick out all the cookies. This is how you can have Lynx
reject all cookies.

Create a file `.lynx.cfg'

Add the following lines in ~/.lynx.cfg:


Set the variabele LYNC_CFG in your .profile

   LYNX_CFG=~/.lynx.cfg; export LYNX_CFG

Reload your .profile by logging out and in.

Now Lynx will automagically reject all cookies.

$Id: lynxwithoutcookies.txt,v 1.1 2018/08/10 16:07:07 matto Exp matto $