Gutenberg books I have read

Last edited: $Date: 2023/07/11 06:11:15 $

Below is a list of books I have read that are available
through the great Gutenberg Project.

At least, the books that I can remember. Probably during my
lifetime I have read some more books that are (now) available
on Gutenberg, but I either don't remember reading them or
don't know there availability on Gutenberg.

Title:  Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions
Author: Edwin A. Abbott

Title:  In a Grove
Author: Ryunosuke Akutagaw

Title:  As a Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen

Title:  Meditations
Author: Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius

Title:  Emma
Author: Jane Austen

Title:  A Little Journey
Author: Ray Bradburry

Title:  Hall of Mirrors
Author: Fredric Brown

Title:  The Thirty-Nine Steps
Author: John Buchan

Title:  A Princess of Mars
Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs

Title:  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Lewis Carroll

Title:  Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
Author: Lewis Carroll

Title:  The Man Who Knew Too Much
Author: G. K. Chesterton

Title:  The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
Author: G. K. Chesterton

Title:  The Awakening
Author: Kate Chopin

Title:  The Alchemist (through the internet archive, not Gutenberg)
Author: Paulo Coelho

Title:  Heart of Darkness
Author: Joseph Conrad

Title:  Beyond the Door
Author: Philip K. Dick

Title:  The Crystal Crypt
Author: Philip K. Dick

Title:  The Hanging Stranger
Author: Philip K. Dick

Title:  Notes from Underground
Author: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Title:  South Wind
Author: Norman Douglas

Title:  The Enchiridion
Author: Epictetus

Title:  Moonfleet
Author: John Maede Falkner

Title:  Carmilla
Author: J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Title:  The Ethical Way
Author: Joseph Farrell

Title:  The Great Gatsby
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Title:  Madame Bovary
Author: Gustave Flaubert

Title:  The Machine Stops
Author: E.M. Forster

Title:  The Philosophy of Beards
Author: Thomas S. Gowing

Title:  They Can Only Hang You Once
Author: Dashiell Hammett

Title:  The Moon Princess: A Fairy Tale
Author: Edith Ogden Harrison

Title:  Men Without Women
Author: Ernest Hemingway

Title:  The Old Man and the Sea
Author: Ernest Hemingway

Title:  The Sun Also Rises
Author: Ernest Hemingway

Title:  Siddhartha
Author: Hermann Hesse

Title:  The Prisoner of Zenda
Author: Anthony Hope

Title:  Crome Yellow
Author: Aldous Huxley

Title:  The Turn of the Screw
Author: Henry James

Title:  The Majesty of Calmness; individual problems and posibilities
Author: William George Jordan

Title:  The Metamorphosis
Author: Franz Kafka

Title:  Kim
Author: Rudyard Kipling

Title:  The Rainbow
Author: D.H. Lawrence

Title:  A Thousand Degrees Below Zero
Author: Murray Leinster

Title:  A Voyage to Arcturus
Author: David Lindsay

Title:  The Scarlet Plague
Author: Jack London

Title:  Under the Volcano
Author: Malcolm Lowry

Title:  Think Yourself to Death
Author: Stephen Marlowe

Title:  Voyage To Eternity
Author: Stephen Marlowe

Title:  The Blue Castle
Author: L.M. Montgomery

Title:  Voyage to Jupiter
Author: David Morrison

Title:  Voodoo Planet
Author: Andre Norton

Title:  Escape From Pluto
Author: William Oberfield

Title:  The Clockwork Man
Author: E.V. Odle

Title:  The Book of Tea
Author: Kakuzo Okakura

Title:  Coming Up For Air
Author: George Orwell

Title:  The Bell Jar
Author: Sylvia Plath

Title:  The Tunnel Under The World
Author: Frederik Pohl

Title:  Anthem
Author: Ayn Rand

Title:  On the Shortness of Life
Author: Seneca

Title:  Frankenstein
Author: Mary Shelley

Title:  Postmark Ganymede
Author: Robert Silverberg

Title:  Walden
Author: Henry David Thoreau

Title:  2BR02B
Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Title:  The Big Trip Up Yonder
Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Title:  A Martian Odyssey
Author: Stanley G. Weinbaum

Title:  In the Days of the Comet
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The Door in The Wall
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The First Men in the Moon
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The Red Room
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The Sleeper Awakes
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The Time Machine
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  The War of the Worlds
Author: H. G. Wells

Title:  Ethan Frome
Author: Edith Wharton

Title:  A Room of One's Own
Author: Virginia Woolf

Title:  Jabob's Room
Author: Virginia Woolf

Title:  Monday or Tuesday
Author: Virginia Woolf

Title:  To The Lighthouse/
Author: Virginia Woolf

Title:  We
Author: Yevgeny Zamyatin

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