Migrated to Gophernicus on OpenBSD

Last edited: $Date: 2019/12/28 16:37:50 $

The  Beaglebone Black  boards in  my network  have been  running for
about five years and are still gowing strong.

One of the boards  was not doing very much, so  I decided to migrate
my Gopherhole to it.

The  Beaglebone  is  currenlty   running  OpenBSD  6.6  (armv7)  and
Gophernicus is in the binary ports. So it only took a simple pkg_add
and a few changes to the packetfilters.

This is the  first step in moving  stuff from a Raspberry  Pi to the
Beaglebone  board. The  Raspbery Pi  is running  Rapsbian, a  Debian
derivate. OpenBSD is more easy  to administer, and doesn't come with
systemd :)

So,  now this  Gopherhole is  proudly  presented from  OpenBSD on  a
Beaglebone Black.

$Id: gophernicus.txt,v 1.3 2019/12/28 16:37:50 matto Exp $