Addition of a phlog-roll

I have added a "phlog-roll" to my Gopher hole.


In the heydays of the blogs, many people did have a blog-roll on
their site. This blog-roll listed those blogs from their list of
favorite blogs, that had recent updates.

My phlog-roll is about the same. It is a list of phlogs with
recent updates.


When I got the idea for a phlog-roll, I expected it to be fun to
build it. Just before a camping trip, I quickly set up two shell
scripts, and a cron command that runs the scripts every
night. This was just something experimental, just to see how it
would work.

It turned out quite well :)

The scripts are not robust, f,e,, it gets confused when one or
more of the gopher holes are not available.

I still have to add something that will limit the output to
changes of a small number of days.

But it works [tm] :)

Bongusta style

The scripts collect phlogs with changes on a daily basis.  The
most logical way to represent the output is per day, so the
output mimics the Bongusta style.

Organic growth

Currently, the input for the scripts is a small number of phlogs,
that I set up for testing purposes. It could be extended a bit,
but that is just a matter of adding the address of some phlogs.

In the future, I expect to add or remove some phlogs, and let is
grow organically.

Not a Bongusta replacement

The phlog-roll is not intended to be a Bongusta replacement.

It is just a quick way to check if there are any new postings on
some of my favorite phlogs.

I still like to go through Bongusta to discover interesting

Being able to check the phlog-roll besides Bongusta makes it
easier to manage my time.

And, it is a fun project, and already I have learned from it that
there must be quite some work in Bongusta!

Last edited: $Date: 2023/08/16 19:29:27 $