
Stardate 20181125.17h00
Location: SBUX
Input Device: Gemini PDA
Audio: Binaural Brainwave set to CreativityBoost
Visual: Coffee, Gemini, Xmas shoppers, Xmas dog, SBUX patio.
Energy: 70%, quick rest after exercise.
Mental: 60%
Emotional State: General frustration.


Not sure why I am dialed into Creativity Boost, but that is
where it is at and the clock is counting down.

Woke up cranky this afternoon after having gone to sleep at
04h45 due to on-call responsibilities.  Worked more some and
finally got around to nourishment several hours after
rising.  Still feeling like crap, I walked a few miles to
SBUX and now I am here.  The sun is setting and it really
brings out the xmas lights.  Hopefully, I can elevate my
internal mood by being marinated in some holiday cheer in the
area and make my trek back better.

I'm still bitter about the lost personal time from being
on-call.  I know that this is temporary and will even up
later, but I am just recognizing what is there at this
moment.  Now that it has been identified, I can move on.

So with this SDF account, I have also picked up a Mastodon
account, which is like Twitter but federated, which means
that one company doesn't own your tweets (or toots)
and they all run from these interconnected servers.  You can
even spin up your own and join it to federation cyberspace
if you want.  I don't really know too much of the technical
details.  I thought to check it out since people kept
referrencing it in their phlog entries. I'm not really sure
what to think of it so far or how it will fit in with stuff
I do, but content-wise, I am enjoying it better.  I ceased
particiption in the "bird site" some time ago, since there
was too much static and not much signal for me.  Mastodon
seems to be better.  Let's see how this unfolds.

I am dreading starting my day at 03h00 for another
maintenance window.  That reminds me, gotta contact the
appropriate people for the downtime.  Done.

Workdays like this, my focus is mainly on the maintenance and
then on general tasks since I don't really have much mental
and physical bandwidth for creative or thought provoking
endeavors.  So I basically just clean house and get my ducks
in a row for things to come.  At least I can do this from the
comforts of my home and end my day after 8 hours...so by
11h00, I'll be done.  Not sure if I will crash again or ride
it out until tomorrow's bed time.   Let's see how this coffee
treats me.

Brainwave is telling me that time is up!  Time to walk back.
