title: "Retractable USB-C charger"
date: 2024-01-10

Working on a retractable USB-C charger. The STEP files are [here](./files/) and the original design is on Onshape [here](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/49c77977dc7febe77c2f3b07/w/e60e65738831b08e5f9fe15c/e/b476b4715d9549cd176bf06c)

image:pawl_detail.png[Pawl detail]
image:IMG_0336.jpg[Tape measure spring mounting]
image:IMG_0337.jpg[Pawl detail]
image:IMG_0339.jpg[USB cable exits tube]
image:IMG_0340.jpg[Bend the pen spring like this]
image:IMG_0295.jpg[Stanley 25' tape measure spring, use electrical tape to tape down the loose spring end]
image:IMG_0296.jpg[The prongs on 'USB spool top cap.step' pinch the flat piece of spring shown here]
image:IMG_0320.jpg[Connecting the Anker 315 charger to the slip ring, be sure to add electrical tape or heat shrink to the exposed metal contacts]
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