# 2018-04-11 09:26:18.903543 UTC (+0000)

An implementation of Urban Dictionary on Gopher

Today I've implemented a gopher interface to UrbanDictionary which
provides a gopher search menu you can use to get meme definitions.

You can find it at gopher://parazyd.org/7/urban.dcgi

The backend is a dynamically filled dictd database, which gets filled
by searching definitions. The more it's used the more will be cached.

There is also a dict protocol daemon running on dict://parazyd.org which
offers this same database, but I am unable to make it reload the dict
database when needed, so if a definition was not searched before, you
will need to issue a second request to get it.

If anyone wishes to help with the dictd part, let me know :)

Have fun!
