# 2024-01-01 18:33:55.885455 UTC (+0000)

Crossword Generator now a Bitreich project.

You like crosswords but never had the chance to have one with man page
titles? Here is your chance to change your life in the new year of 2024:

       $ git clone git://bitreich.org/crossword-generator
       $ cd crossword-generator
       $ ./get_apropos_entries.sh > apropos_entries.txt
       $ ./gen-80x25-crossword apropos_entries.txt

#..r..zzzzXXzz..3............................A funny crossword from man pages..#
#77X777XxxXxxx..3..............................Have fun solving it!............#
#.gr..kf..c.a...3.........................[a-z0-9] -> find the manpage.........#
#.gr..XX22X2X...3................................X -> crossover of names.......#
#.gr..kf..c8X888X8............= manpage description (hint: grep it)............#
#.gr..kfj...a.................a convert a string to a long integer.............#
#.g09gkfj...a.................b remainder and part of quotient.................#
#.XXX44Xj..Xuuuuu.............c compare byte sequences.........................#
#.g09t.hXXhs.....o............d remainder and part of quotient.................#
#..09h..jb.s.....o............e copy byte sequence.............................#
#..0.o..jb.s.6q..o............f copying strings and character sequences........#
#..0.s...XpXpXq..o............g c++ and qt class wrappers for the gps daemon...#
#..0iiiiiXis.6q..o............h square root function...........................#
#..0.i.eeXeXnXXnnXnnn.........i convert a string to an unsigned long integer...#
#.yyyXyyyb...6q..o............j insert/remove an item from a queue.............#
#....Xvvvvvv.6q..o............k complex square root............................#
#....w.......6q..o............l copying strings and character sequences........#
#............6................m get or set the unique identifier of the current#
#.n get or set the unique identifier of the current host.......................#
#.o rasqal rdf query library...................................................#
#.p convert a floating-point number to a string................................#
#.q create a unique temporary directory........................................#
#.r copying strings and character sequences....................................#
#.s zero a fixed-width buffer and copy a string into a character sequence with #
#.t remainder and part of quotient.............................................#
#.u implementation of a singly linked tail queue...............................#
#.v compute quotient and remainder of an integer division......................#
#.w compute quotient and remainder of an integer division......................#
#.x calculate the quotient and the remainder of two big integer................#
#.y calculate a modular square of a big integer................................#
#.z the event queue and notifier interfaces....................................#
#.0 create a unique temporary file.............................................#
#.1 convert a floating-point number to a string................................#
#.2 concatenate a null-padded character sequence into a string.................#
#.3 create a unique temporary file.............................................#
#.4 make a unique temporary filename...........................................#
#.5 dce compatible universally unique identifier library.......................#
#.6 copying strings and character sequences....................................#
#.7 convert a multibyte sequence to a wide character...........................#
#.8 copying strings and character sequences....................................#
#.9 convert a string to an integer.............................................#

Have fun with the crosswords!

Sincerely yours,

Chief Crossword Challenger (CCC)