# 2023-08-10 17:08:41.168752 UTC (+0000)

Brcon2023: Day 4 sfeed/atom hackathon preparations.

At 20:00 CEST day 4 of brcon2023 begins. Today the topic is sfeed and
atom feeds.

We celebrate 20 years of atom feeds:


What a marvelous invention, now also available on gopher for fast news
reading and interaction.

The inventor and developer of sfeed, Evil_Bob, will present us the state
of sfeed and how you get addicted to it for your daily news needs.

After that 20h will present how to make an atom feed out even most
complex websites, when there is no atom/rss feed available.

This is the preparation for the hackathon of sfeed/atom feeds which
follows. Please see the brcon2023-hackathons repository:


In case you want to try out the selenium code, please check the

* Is there some /usr/bin/chromedriver? It is preinstalled from chromium,
 if not, alternatives will be shown in the second talk.
* pip install selenium or use your package manager.

See you at 20:00 CEST!

Sincerely yours,

Chief Feet Officer (CFO)