Subj : Unique e-mail addy?
To   : Uberhund
From : PistolGrip
Date : Mon May 28 2001 04:03 pm

RE: Unique e-mail addy?
BY: Uberhund to PistolGrip on Mon May 28 2001 09:17 pm

>  > Easy, just open the user.dat manually and compare the email address to ev
>  > record.  You just have to write the code to keep track of the file positi
>  > and record size.
>  >
>  > Not the easiest thing to do with BAJA, but I've done it several times in
>  > various mods.  Be careful to open the user.dat read-only.
>  >
>  > I'm not going to give you the code as you are trying to copy my mod :-)
> I'm just desperate for something that works in win2k. :)  I've got something
> that works in place, but I'm having trouble making it so that they are force
> to enter a valid email.  If its any consolation, I tried everything I could
> get your mod working before I set off on my own :(

Yes, I too spent many hours buggin' telval on W2k and finally gave up and have
since started the C++ version, but... it's very far from completion.  Just
don't have near enough time to finish it right now.

As we have both concluded the problem is something related to the way the W2K
command processor interprets the SMBUTIL command line.  It's either the "<" in
the command line or possible some of the command line specifiers, but I'm
pretty sure they are already translated before cmd.exe sees them so that
should not be the problem.  Maybe Rob has some ideas, and maybe he can even
look at it now since he's got a W2K box running there.

> Parsing through the user.dat file doesnt really seem like my cup of tea, b
> I'll see what I can do :)

Hehe... yeah the first time I did it was kinda scary but now I've got it down
to a science :-)


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