Subj : Unique e-mail addy?
To   : All
From : Uberhund
Date : Mon May 28 2001 01:49 pm

Hi all,

Got a bit of a poser here.  I'm trying to rewrite PG's validation by email
module, and I'm attempting to dtermine if the email address that the user
entered is unique .  I figure that this will require parsing the user DB and
doing a substring match on all the entered email addresses (sort of like the
finduser function, except for netmail addresses).  Can anybody point me in the
right direction of something that might approximate this behavoir?  I've tried
looking for "example" code, but I haven't found anything that smacks of what I
want to do.

Also, Does anybody know if there is any method in the Synchronet SDK that
allows you to modify user data?  If so, I'll just do this in c++ :)


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