Subj : variable
To   : All
From : altere
Date : Thu Dec 28 2000 03:16 am

RE: variable
BY: altere to Digital Man on Thu Dec 28 2000 01:00 am

>  > Use the global variable: _USERON.CDT
>  >
>  > If you want to modify the user's credits, then use the function:
> hrm, the adjust_user_credits won't work for what I'm doing as the amount of
> credits isn't ever the same, it's based on some things the user enters.  Hav

Alright, perhaps some help with this..  This is just a piece of it and I've
limited some things for testing..  Basically it asks for a few numbers from the
user and add's subtracts, etc...  Now, real basic here without adding or

int a_credit u_level mod_file
set a_credit 10

fopen mod_file O_CREAT|O_WRONLY "%nmoduser.dat"
   print "error\r\n"

fwrite mod_file a_credit
fclose mod_file

Now, this obviously creates the moduser.dat (i've verified) but it's just
putting a blank line in there rather then 10.  Now if the credit adjustment
were going to be the same everytime then I would use adjust_credits but that
isn't the case, a_credit will ALWAYS be different, I just set it to 10 for
testing purposes.  Any ideas?  Oh, ignore u_level, once I fix a_credit I can
fix u_level; I've commented out the level info so that what I'm showing here is
actualy what I'm working with.

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