Subj : BIN
To   : odysseus
From : Amcleod
Date : Sat Dec 02 2000 12:39 pm

BY: odysseus to PistolGrip on Sun Dec 03 2000 07:22 pm

> file I got off of your board..  I followed the instructions but
> produces a crap ass matrix screen.. I would like to be able to insert my ans
> graphics in the BIN file...

Unless you have a .SRC file as well as a .BIN file, you are pretty much S.O.L.
.BIN files are compiled BINaries created from .SRC files; it is virtually
impossible to make significant changes to a .BIN file directly.

Also, assuming you have the .SRC available for modification, it is very
unlikely that it will simply contain raw ANSI.  What you see when you run your
average "Matrix" (ugh!) is usually constructed out of a number of complicated
PRINT statements.

So whether you have the .SRC or not, you are going to have to learn to program
in Baja, although having the .SRC to start with would be very helpful!

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