Subj : BAJA - Linux
To   : Digital Man
From : Altere
Date : Wed Nov 29 2000 12:37 pm

I'm having some msg problems here, please excuse this if it's a dbl post.

Alright, are there any differences in the way moduser.dat is called from
SBBS4WIN then SBBS4UNIX?  The reason I ask is because I have a BAJA mod here
that modifies user data, when a user in on a Win node it makes all the changes
and those changes are saved.

Now if you login to the Linux node and do the same, in the mod it appears to be
changed but when you exit, the data isn't saved (meaning you go back into the
mod and its back the way it was).  I realize the Linux version is yet ready for
doors and whatnot but from what I've seen this should be working with no
problems.  <<-- that is 'isn't yet ready`.

It's not of great importance, was just seeing if simple BAJA mods would work
with changing user data, unfortunalty I don't have the source code for this mod
anymore.  Again, works wonderfully in the win nodes...

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