Subj : telnet_gate
To   : Hemo
From : Amcleod
Date : Sun Sep 17 2000 11:02 am

RE: telnet_gate
BY: Hemo to Digital Man on Sun Sep 17 2000 02:51 pm

> I have a LinkSys broadband router that links my internal network to the outs
> world.  My internal network is 192.168.1.  I have connectivity between my
> BBS machine (internal network or and my unix
> computer (internal network or  I tested my
> connectivity by using ping, ftp, and telnet. These all work fine from either
> machine to either machine.
> Try running '*telgate' causes you to just hang there with
> connection.  running '*telgate' works.  Now I am really
> confusinededed...ded.

'delta' is a Windows machine running SBBS and 'myopia' is a Linux box.  You can
telnet/ftp/ping the Linux box from Windows, & vice versa.  You can 'telgate'
from the Windows box to itself.  But you can't 'telgate' from the Windows box
to the Linux box, even though "regular" telnet works?


Is the LinkSys router doing any firewalling between the two boxes?  Or just to
the outside world?  Is all the telnet/telgate action taking place on port 23?
I don't know if telgate does/can use some alternate port...

Can you see if anything is knocking on the door when you try to telgate to
myopia?  Use a packet sniffer to see if delta is sending the packets and myopia
ignoring them or if delta doesn't even send them in the first place?  What
about name resolution?  Does SBBS use the 'hosts' file or only DNS?  Does IP
address belong to you?  Try a traceroute (don't know Windows
spelling) to myopia and and see if it is OK.  Try using the
IP address of myopia directly in the telgate command.

I dunno what your problem is, but it is an interesting one.  I dunno if Windows
has anything similar to "/etc/nsswitch.conf".  Are you running a DNS server for
the domain?  Can you add delta and myopia to the DNS config rasther than rely
on the hosts file?

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