To   : Digital Man
From : Hax0r
Date : Thu Aug 10 2000 03:19 pm

BY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Thu Aug 10 2000 09:43 am

>  > or _sys_mic _SM_SYSSTAT
>  >
>  > correct?
> This will include the sysop's activity in the system statistics and the syso
> login/offs in the "last few callers" list.
> But why do it via Baja? This same option is togglable in SCFG.

The reason I am doing it this way is because the SCFG setting doesnt not
differentiate amongst users with access level greater than 90.  I have a user
with access level 90 on my board (besides myself) and I would like them
included in the daily callers and system logon/off stats, but not myself.
Basically, I was going to have a compare statement in my LOGON module to check
to see if the user# of the person logged in is <> to 1..... if this was the
case, then or _sys_misc _SM_SYSSTAT.  At first, I thought that my compare was
hosed up -- so I just tried that line by itself, but it still did not include
me in the LFC and logon stats.

Heh -- whats up with it?

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