To   : Digital Man
From : Hax0r
Date : Tue Aug 01 2000 03:40 pm

BY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Aug 01 2000 11:52 am

> Put a print statement before these revert_text lines (like I suggested befor
> and tell me whether or not you see the output from the print statement. This
> a primitive form of "debugging".

I tried that, and this will sound like the strangest thing -- but here's the
scoop.  I put a print line after that line of text and then ran the
module...hehe, once I ran it, I realized I needed a pause after the print line
in order to see if it actually printed since i clear the screen and reposition
the cursor at 0;0 when it gets back to the default module.  once I did this,
the text printed out and the pause swicthed to the correct string.

so, of course I commented both lines out, and the pause prompt still switched
back.  dumbfounded, I did the only thing I could think of, and that was to
return the baja module source to its original state, by literally deleting both
lines of source (the print and pause lines, and the space they took up between
revert_text 563 and revert_text 45).  This time on exit the pause string did
not go back to what it should. so I went in there, but a blank line in after
the revert_text 563 and the pause did go back.

thinking i had found a bug of some sort, I went back to verify my results by
removing the blank line and re-compiling.  much to my display, the pause string
changed like it should have..

so after spending about 20 minutes fiddling around, i am at a loss to explain
what the problem is.  all i do know is that i'm afraid to re-compile my
email.src file :)

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