Subj : mail_send
To   : PistolGrip
From : Amcleod
Date : Thu Jul 27 2000 09:26 am

RE: mail_send
BY: PistolGrip to Amcleod on Thu Jul 27 2000 05:17 pm

>  > Think of SBBS as a CPU implemented in software, and then think of BAJA as
>  > machine-language of that CPU.  What is needed is for someone (you?) to wr
>  > high-level SBBS language that implements complex control structures and o
>  > desireable features such as passing arguments to subroutines and returnin
>  > values from functions.  That SBBS HLL could produce BAJA source code, or
>  > perhaps generate .BIN files directly.
> If you're looking to do these kind of complex programs then I think you'd
> better learn C/C++ and go with the XSDK that Rob's already coded.  Why code
> everything again in BAJA?  BAJA is made for people who don't want or need to
> learn programming.

1)  What kind of complex programs?  You mean writing a high-level compiler that
produces BAJA as output?  Well you _certainly_ wouldn't try to write it in BAJA
but you don't have to use C/C++ although those languages would be fine.  I have
a very simple one here that I wrote (just to prove the point) using PERL.  (I
find that anything that boils down to text manipulation, I use perl these days,
and this is a fine example.  But other programmers might choose to use COBOL or
APL or whatever they like best for the job!.)

2)  I disagree completely about BAJA not being for people who want or need to
learn programming.  Like it or not, you put two lines of BAJA together and YOU
ARE PROGRAMMING!  Okay, so maybe the language has been designed to be easy to
learn and use, and is expressive in SBBS concepts directly, but it is still a
language that has to be learned to at least _some_ degree before it can be
used.  And once you start using it, for no matter how small a task, you are
programming in the BAJA language.

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