Subj : mail_send
To   : Digital Man
From : Hax0r
Date : Wed Jul 26 2000 04:54 pm

RE: mail_send
BY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Wed Jul 26 2000 11:42 am

>  > I would like to bypass the default Synchronet new message prompting all
>  > together, and create my own "To:" and "From:" prompts (nicely laid out in
>  > ANSI drawn box of course)....
> You may be able to do this with TEXT.DAT modifications possiblly.

Yeah, some of it -- I've edited my TEXT.DAT and have some screen positioning
stuff in the actual text string.  I also tend to do alot of REPLACE_TEXT /
LOAD_TEXT in my baja (especially all of the system info, during the Logon
Event, as that gets displayed if the text strings are set -- otherwise you get

Heh, I know it would probably be alot of work, but could you *please* implement
some sort of looping structure in the next version of baja?  a for loop, do
loop, whatever.....something.  It would just make file I/O that much easier.  I
was really surpised to see a somewhat comprehensive file i/o support, but no
looping structure.

� Synchronet � hax0r's palace - - you've been hax0r'd