Subj : mail_send
To   : Digital Man
From : Hax0r
Date : Tue Jul 25 2000 12:12 pm

RE: mail_send
BY: Digital Man to Hax0r on Tue Jul 25 2000 11:51 am

> Possibly using UNGETSTR.

I'm not quite sure how I could use that to feed the title prompt since when
mail_send is called, I have no control over what happens in Baja -- I am
assuming your internal mail_send routine is what forces the Title: prompt.

It would be real nice (although I'm sure alot of work for you) to be able to
modify or atleast inheret from the internal functions so one could modify them.

I would like to bypass the default Synchronet new message prompting all
together, and create my own "To:" and "From:" prompts (nicely laid out in an
ANSI drawn box of course)....

Also, this might be potentially a bug...

when I use GETSTR with no string variable, with a max len and k_line i actually
DON'T get the k_line mode.  If I try the same operation with a string variable
specified, k_line works just fine.

Interestingly enough, GETLINE with no string variable and a length specified
works just fine -- which is what I've been doing to circumvent the problem --
just thought that you might want to know :)

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