Subj : BAJA question
To   : Digital Man
From : Aragorn
Date : Thu Feb 10 2000 04:53 am

RE: BAJA question
BY: Digital Man to Aragorn on Mon Nov 29 1999 04:45 pm

OTE: DCTEdit v0.04 [14]
> > I looked at it, _being_ a programmer (a C programmer, no
> > less!), but stil no idea where to start with it! It's
> > compilcated. It's 16-bit. It uses cu libraries that aren't
> > included (at least not in source form, which means porting
> > to other compilers is next to impossible unless you know
> > exactly those libraries do and can thus write replacements)
> I realize this is an old message, but felt compelled to
> respond. o The released source code is not 16-bit only: The
> OS/2 and Win32 versions (both 32-bit) were compiled from the
> same code. o The only included library that didn't come with
> source (because I don't ha it) rciol.obj, was for the DOS
> version only. I wrote a native OS/2 and Win32 version of
> this same library in C and included the source code for it
> (riolib.c). You could still build the DOS version and modify
> it to your hear content without the source to rciol.obj. And
> if you wanted to know how the A worked, you have the C
> version (in riolib.c) to reference. rciol.obj was written in
> assembler and was not written for any specific "compiler".
> You ju link it with your C obj files (compiled with any
> 16-bit x86 C compiler) and would work. If you wanted to port
> the code to Linux or some other non-x86 platform, you would
> more likely start with the riolib.c source code as a
> reference. So I'm not sure what this talk of "custom
> libraries" was all abou Rob

Hi! I just dropped in for a visit to see what's up with SBBS and DoveNet =)

Well it's been well over a year since I looked at it, but I seem to recall
seeing at least 2 or 3 .obj libraries (16-bit libraries compatable only with
certain Microsoft and Borland compilers) that didn't come with any matching .c
code that could be used in place of them (or as a basis for writing ones that
could). Maybe you released the .c source for riolib in a newer source release
than the one I had, or (more likely) I didn't see the riolib.c file.

Anyways, congratulations on the native Win32 port of SBBS! If I ever get a DSL
or cable connection to the Internet, I might revive Mars Base again (or maybe
it will be called Reflex Point BBS, since my parents' box [that MB ran on] was
named "Mars Base" by me, and the PII-450 I have now I call ReflexPoint =)

I can't believe there are still posts from me here in the Dove subs... Looks
like I didn't do much Dove after 1998, although my BBS was up until July '99.

Ok I'm going to ramble now (as I have always been famous for) because I
thought someone might be interested to know that there's an entire computer
lab at the U of W whose NT boxes are named after characters from Red Dwarf =)

Aragorn (actually I go by HunterZ these days, but SBBS still doesn't allow
capital letters in the middle of a word that's part of a handle =)

P.S. Please reply via e-mail if you want me to see your reply =) =)

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