Subj : BAJA question
To   : Aragorn
From : Digital Man
Date : Mon Nov 29 1999 08:45 am

RE: BAJA question
BY: Aragorn to Tommyknocker on Tue Nov 24 1998 12:11 am

>  >  > Where in the world do you find the source???? I can get the compiler..
>  >  > prolly....  A few of my bud's *might* be able to figure out Rob's codi
>  >
>  >      The source is on The Talamasca in the Synchronet Files Directory.
>  >
>  >
>  >      This is the full source code for Synchronet. I think you are in for
>  > shock though Beta, this thing is hugh, wait until you see it and you will
>  > what I mean. I looked at it, but not being a programmer, I had no idea wh
>  > even start messing with it.
> I looked at it, _being_ a programmer (a C programmer, no less!), but still h
> no idea where to start with it! It's compilcated. It's 16-bit. It uses custo
> libraries that aren't included (at least not in source form, which means
> porting to other compilers is next to impossible unless you know exactly wha
> those libraries do and can thus write replacements)

I realize this is an old message, but felt compelled to respond.

o The released source code is not 16-bit only: The OS/2 and Win32 versions
(both 32-bit) were compiled from the same code.

o The only included library that didn't come with source (because I don't have
it) rciol.obj, was for the DOS version only. I wrote a native OS/2 and Win32
version of this same library in C and included the source code for it
(riolib.c). You could still build the DOS version and modify it to your hearts
content without the source to rciol.obj. And if you wanted to know how the API
worked, you have the C version (in riolib.c) to reference. rciol.obj was
written in assembler and was not written for any specific "compiler". You just
link it with your C obj files (compiled with any 16-bit x86 C compiler) and it
would work. If you wanted to port the code to Linux or some other non-x86
platform, you would more likely start with the riolib.c source code as a
reference. So I'm not sure what this talk of "custom libraries" was all about.


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