Subj : new pl/s
To   : Reaper Man
From : Angus Netfoot
Date : Thu Jul 22 1999 01:40 am

RE: new pl/s
BY: Reaper Man to Angus Netfoot on Wed Jul 21 1999 03:00 pm

> so, what kind of support will the new version allow for external modules?

Well if the system is 100% scriptable, there is no part of the system that a
dedicated SysOp couldn't change to suit his tastes.  Also, external modules
would consist of any programs that interacted predictably with the rest of the
system.  IOW, you could write a module to do anything in any language you

> also, I have this curiosity, that a plugin can be made with a inetnet ready
> that the bbs can connect to and exchange data???

What is an "inetnet" ?  I tried replacing the word with "internet" and the
sentence didn't make much sense then either.  Please explain a little better
what you have in mind!

> i mean, after all its just text right?

Some operating systems (Unix, for example) do not distinguish between 'text'
and 'non-text'.  Everything is just DATA!

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