Subj : src file
To   : Nelgin
From : Bill McGarrity
Date : Mon Feb 19 2018 07:17 pm

-=> Nelgin wrote to Bill McGarrity on 02-17-18 14:53 <=-

Ne> On Fri, 16 Feb 2018 20:26:48 -0500, "Bill McGarrity"
Ne> <bill.mcgarrity@VERT/TEQUILAM> wrote:

>Hello Rob!
>I'm trying to add a 'Clean-Up Command' to a door that will run a batch file
>to update some ANS screens.  In the wiki it says that option can only run a
>.js or .bin file. I'm great creating batch files but don't have a clue on
>how to write a .src file that I can use baja on.
>There are a total of 6 different doors that have to run a batch file
>specifically written for each game therefore I am
>assuming I'd need 6 different .src files pointing towards each games
>directory where the unique batch files are
>Now how do I go about whipping something up? Do I need to use any !include
>statements? Do I use an 'EXEC_XTRN <.bat>'
>command within the src file?  As you can probably tell, I'm a tad over my
>head here.

Ne> Why not create a batch file and call it as a timed event and have it
Ne> run the clean up commands. Then all you have to worry about is
Ne> executing the bat file.

I had wrote a batch file.  Problem was I originally used ../xtrn/doorname/.bat
as the command. It seems it prefers the entire path. :)

Ne> You don't say if you're on Windows or linux but on Windows it should
Ne> be trivial, on linux it might even be easier to write a shell script
Ne> that calls dosemu and then runs your cleanup, if that's what is
Ne> required.

It's fixed.. thank you..



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