Subj : Re: src file
To   : Bill McGarrity
From : Nelgin
Date : Sat Feb 17 2018 02:53 pm

On Fri, 16 Feb 2018 20:26:48 -0500, "Bill McGarrity"
<bill.mcgarrity@VERT/TEQUILAM> wrote:

>Hello Rob!
>I'm trying to add a 'Clean-Up Command' to a door that will run a batch file
>to update some ANS screens.  In the wiki it says that option can only run a
>.js or .bin file. I'm great creating batch files but don't have a clue on
>how to write a .src file that I can use baja on.
>There are a total of 6 different doors that have to run a batch file
>specifically written for each game therefore I am
>assuming I'd need 6 different .src files pointing towards each games
>directory where the unique batch files are
>Now how do I go about whipping something up? Do I need to use any !include
>statements? Do I use an 'EXEC_XTRN <.bat>'
>command within the src file?  As you can probably tell, I'm a tad over my
>head here.

Why not create a batch file and call it as a timed event and have it
run the clean up commands. Then all you have to worry about is
executing the bat file.

You don't say if you're on Windows or linux but on Windows it should
be trivial, on linux it might even be easier to write a shell script
that calls dosemu and then runs your cleanup, if that's what is

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