Subj : Correct BAJA Command
To   : DesotoFireflite
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Dec 14 2017 02:26 pm

 Re: Correct BAJA Command
 By: DesotoFireflite to echicken on Thu Dec 14 2017 03:26 pm

De> As soon as I get my current script going, and working, I think your idea
De> about trying to redo it in js will help me learn the language, and I can
De> take my time doing it. Right now, when I look at js, it just looks greek
De> to me, at least with baja, I can somewhat follow what is going on. Thanks
De> for your help ec.

If you do learn JavaScript, it might also help you understand other languages.
C, Java, C#, and some other languages have a syntax that's similar to
JavaScript (although slightly different).  With each language, you'd have to
learn its own libraries for what you want to do, but as far as the syntax, it's


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