Subj : new mail notification
To   : Digital Man
From : echto
Date : Tue Jan 19 2016 10:25 am

 Re: new mail notification
 By: Digital Man to echto on Mon Jan 18 2016 16:15:52

> SBBSecho only deals with FidoNet mail, or more specifically, FidoNet netmail
> and echomail. Is the kind of "mail" you're referring to? SBBSecho creates
> the telegrams to users, notifying them of received netmail and echomail,
> when it tosses the mail. SBBSecho doesn't need to run during logon to do
> this as the telegrams created when SBBSecho does run just sit there until
> they are displayed to the user and then automatically deleted.

Yes, apologies, it's netmail and echomail.  I can send a test netmail message
to another sbbs bbs that is operating with a default configuration and during
the login sequence SBBSecho displays,

SBBSecho: So-and-so sent you netmail from this node

When I log into my sbbs, SBBSecho never displays the message about waiting
netmail.  I suspect it is because I am calling baja module after baja module.
Is there a way to read the telegrams without SBBSecho?  And what state does
SBBS have to be in to display the telegrams; I mean, what actions have to
place before SBBS decides it's OK to display telegrams.  From my observations,
SBBS will not display telegrams while a baja module is running, i.e. waiting
for user input.  I might be wrong about that, but that appears to be what I am

> If you're just interested in displaying the number of personal email
> messages waiting for a user, you can use the MAILW @-code to display this
> value.

Thanks, I'll take a look at that.


� Synchronet � -=-= echto bbs =-=-