Subj : Windows Telnet...
To   : Bill McGarrity
From : Zazz
Date : Sat Jul 11 2015 01:24 pm

 Re: Windows Telnet...
 By: Bill McGarrity to All on Wed Oct 29 2014 10:49 am

BM> Quick question. Can I use Window's telent.exe as a command in a door to
BM> connect to an outside IP and have the I/O appear in the callers client?
BM> Reason behind this, the IP i am trying to access requires a newer version
BM> of telnet than what is supplied with Synchronet's telgate. At a command
BM> prompt using Windows telnet I can access the site with no problems.
BM> Connecting to the system with a client the system opens a DOS window, the
BM> information is displayed within that window yet nothing to the incoming
BM> client. Do I need to configure the Intercept I/O? Right now all I have
BM> toggled is Native to Yes and Shell to yes.

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