Subj : custom matrix login menu
To   : Lesser Keys
From : Nightfox
Date : Sun Apr 05 2015 01:09 pm

 Re: custom matrix login menu
 By: Lesser Keys to Nightfox on Sun Apr 05 2015 15:00:40

LK> Okay, thanks! I have another question. It maybe stupid, or not make sence.
LK> How do I load the ansi, and embed the lightbar menu inside tha ansi.
LK> I guess I could execute the baja script for the light bar inside the ansi
LK> file. Using the following @EXEC:MODNAME@
LK> And for the curor inside tha ansi by
LK> @codes@

It might be simpler to have your script move the cursor around rather than
using @-codes to do so.  Your script can display the ANSI, then (if you're
using JavaScript) can call the console.gotoxy() method to move the cursor, and
then draw the menu.


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