Subj : custom matrix login menu
To   : Nightfox
From : Lesser Keys
Date : Sun Apr 05 2015 03:02 pm

 Re: custom matrix login menu
 By: Nightfox to Lesser Keys on Sun Oct 27 2013 07:40 pm

LK>> I'm using it right now. I seen how how got the arrow keys to work
LK>> with the lightbar! I guess my question would be how do you know were
LK>> the text and light bar menu is going to show up on screen? Do you
LK>> have to set a specific location for the lightbar menu to be on the
LK>> screen?

Ni> Yes, the script knows where the menu is on the screen and it knows the
Ni> menu's size, so with that information, it's able to know where to draw the
Ni> menu items. And it knows the selected item, which is the one that is
Ni> highlighted with the lightbar.

LK>> I agree somethings in js the code just looks more powerful to me.
LK>> One line of code does several different things. I grew up as a kid
LK>> using BASIc and assembly so baja looks easier to me. The scripts
LK>> themselves look more familiar..

Ni> Yeah, languages that are similar to other languages you already know are
Ni> definitely easier to learn. :)

My problem is Java Script is too complicated for my incompetant brain, to wrap
my head around.

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