Subj : hepp meeeee!
From : Spiritwild
Date : Tue Apr 20 1999 04:15 pm

TI>RE: hepp meeeee!
TI>BY: Spiritwild to TOMMYKNOCKER on Mon Apr 19 1999 10:26 pm

TI> > What I am doing is trying to make a trivia door
TI> > and the "setstr and getstr " functions are what I'm using.
TI> > Only problem is that when you go to answer the question,
TI> > if you hit ctrl-c it accepts the command as true and awards ya
TI> > 50 points. even though you don't type in a damned thing ! :)

TI>When the programing gets tuff, the programer must get creative,. thats my
TI>motto.... here's what i would try..

TI>when you get the input, from the user, check to see if it is within the vali
TI>limits, example:

TI>if there is a menu that says: (1) do something (2) go someware (Q) Quit.

TI>Check and see if the user enterd eather '1' '2' or 'q', if he didnt, then
TI>remove 50 points, because he musta hit ctrl-c, this will compansate you.

TI>it's not a "direct" fix to your problem, but as i said, sometimes you need t
TI>be creative.   :-)

I'm tired of being creative if not diverse :)
I've tried everything except changing everything to
command key choices "boring".

I'll figure something out, I'm happy with it until then ;)

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