Subj : New to Synchronet
To   : LaRRy LaGoMoRpH
From : echicken
Date : Wed Nov 12 2014 11:39 am

 Re: New to Synchronet
 By: LaRRy LaGoMoRpH to echicken on Tue Nov 11 2014

LL> There's no need to defend CoA - I like them.  I've been kind of lazy to

Well, I don't see how I was being defensive of it. I was simply responding to
your comments, explaining things where appropriate, and indicating that we're
open to suggestions.

LL> just I think it's a little more straightforward to get on, and
LL> that's one of the things it's got going for it for a new comer.  The

Sure, it is more straightforward to fill out a form on a website than to have
to leave the site and go somewhere else to contact an admin.  As I've said, a
form and possibly a fully-automated sign-up process will likely emerge later

LL> I've been around.  Anyways, I could write out a pro's and con's as I see
LL> them of both services, but really I'm too lazy.  Basically, CoA comes out
LL> on top in a lot of ways, but that's not to say BBS link doesn't deliver on

It's maybe a bit unfair to BBS Link to say that we come out on top.  Their goal
is to deliver the games, and my understanding is that they accomplish this just
as well as we do (maybe better, if their support extends beyond Synchronet.)
Our goals are a bit broader, but we deliver features that perhaps the BBS Link
person or people aren't interested in.

LL> there's less room for subjectivity in the process.  I'm not sure CoA would
LL> accept someone who hadn't had their BBS up for at least a little bit and
LL> shown at least a minor competency with the software.   I guess those

We're not as concerned about that as we used to be.  Our setup process was
never difficult, but we wanted to be sure that joining sysops would understand
what they were setting up, and beable to configure things without much
trouble.  These days the setup process is just a matter of running an install

The whole system is a lot simpler and tidier now than it was in previous
incarnations.  We've been at it for quite a while.

LL> things are subject to change as well, but that's been my understanding and
LL> I actually think it's a good thing, a form of quality control.

We're not too worried about quality.  Stability maybe.  Most systems are
welcome to join, from stock setups to highly customized ones.  If a crappy
board joins, at least it gains some games and features, and our community

electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230