Subj : New to Synchronet
To   : LaRRy LaGoMoRpH
From : Android8675
Date : Mon Nov 10 2014 07:39 pm

 Re: New to Synchronet
 By: LaRRy LaGoMoRpH to Android8675 on Fri Nov 07 2014 10:52


>> is another such service, we have cake too.

LL> Yes, you guys do have cake.  And by cake I mean there are things you
LL> guys do above and beyond what bbslink does.  One of these days I'll
LL> probably join up as it is an excellent service, a couple things though
LL> about the website.

LL> First, the URL is - it's misspelled above.

Yep, I'm a terrible speller, glad you figured it out.

LL> Second, the website could benefit from minor updates that knowing the
LL> CoA crew should take a minimal amount of time.  It doesn't neccessarily
LL> need to be updated, it could be a conscious choice to make people
LL> venture onto a BBS and irc to get the low-down.  How CoA administrates
LL> itself or determines how it wants to find members is up to them, but
LL> there are probably more straightforward ways of starting an application
LL> process like submitting a form.

Website isn't a priority, also CoA is in transition, lots of changes, until
it's stable, probablynot a huge priority.

Also, like most high paying jobs, applications are not required, it's all about
networking, and finding the right people.

LL> Third, there isn't very much content/information on the website anyw