Subj : SCFG uifc library init er
To   : Digital Man
From : Nightfox
Date : Sun Nov 09 2014 08:48 pm

 Re: SCFG uifc library init error
 By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Sun Nov 09 2014 15:58:12

>> I'm currently running the October 29 build of Synchronet for Windows,
>> and just today I noticed that when I tryto run SCFG from a command
>> prompt, it prints "uifc library init returned error -2.." (where the

DM> The "-2" error indicates a problem with the number of rows in the window
DM> (less than 14). Here's the associated code (where MIN_LINES is 14):

Interesting.  The command prompt window height I was using is actually 40,
which should be plenty.  In the past, I've been able torun SCFG from the same
sized command prompt window.  When SCFG would run successfully, I think it
would resize the command prompt window down to what it needed.

DM> if(api->scrn_len<MIN_LINES) {
DM> cprintf("\7UIFC: Screen length (%u) must be %d lines or greater\r\n"
DM> ,api->scrn_len,MIN_LINES);
DM> return(-2);

DM> Now, I would expect that error message to be displayed too.

I didn't see that error displayed.

DM> So... I guess I'll need to know more about the situation in which you're
DM> able to reproduce this problem. e.g. what command-line arguments (if any)
DM> are you using to SCFG? If you experiment with the different -i options, do
DM> those resolve the problem? What is the configured window/buffer size of
DM> the command prompt windowbeing used to run SCFG?

The command prompt I was using was 100 characters wide and 40 characters tall.
(I've configured that as my default command prompt size.)  I tried the 3
different -i options: -iW generated the same error, -iA seemed to run and
displayed ANSI codes (I don't have an ANSI driver loaded, so I only saw the raw
ANSI codes), and -iD also ran successfully (and it had a more plain text

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